The general strike proclaimed by the CGIL for December 12 has nothing ideological premise seems necessary in light of the painful controversy of the last days starring CISL and UIL trade union against Italy during
The use of the tool in the fight more challenging by the main confederation does not come at all for reasons of expediency policy. Sinks rather than in the plays that cross the length and breadth of the country and the need to give voice to the actors (in spite of themselves) of the crisis by workers in many areas private to the public, to the students. At stake are the material conditions of people in the flesh and the future of an entire generation of workers. Starting with the precarious scattered all categories, invisible to the vast part of world political and business that also robbed them of hope for a futuro.Si therefore come to the appointment of 12 December to the end of a long journey of struggle began , on closer inspection, the early summer of this year. Since ie, Tremonti announced that it has reached in nine and a half minutes on the budget document the agreement in the Council of Ministers, while his colleague Brunetta began the crusade against the "lazy". A few months later, faced with delays on the negotiations for the renewal of the contract, the Minister for Innovation began to envision the division between unions "good" and "bad" until you got to the signing of a separate Protocol. A different location, but unlike in the results, it happened in the commercial sector, where Filcams-CGIL refused to affix his signature on a contract that results in heavy setbacks on working conditions, while the last split is these days and the reform of the university. In this case, the CISL withdrew on the eve of the strike's accession to the fight, confirming an overall strategy of rapprochement and worrying (yes, political) between Berlusconi and the world sindacale.A little worth, therefore, attempts to contradicted by Bonanni and Angeletti about the alleged dinner with Prime Minister (and without the CGIL). The reality is there for everyone and everyone is called to assume its responsibilities. We Italian Communists, who have shared the strong arguments of those who promoted the struggle in recent months, we will support the general strike and we will be at the side of workers, to defend the rights and dignity violated.
The use of the tool in the fight more challenging by the main confederation does not come at all for reasons of expediency policy. Sinks rather than in the plays that cross the length and breadth of the country and the need to give voice to the actors (in spite of themselves) of the crisis by workers in many areas private to the public, to the students. At stake are the material conditions of people in the flesh and the future of an entire generation of workers. Starting with the precarious scattered all categories, invisible to the vast part of world political and business that also robbed them of hope for a futuro.Si therefore come to the appointment of 12 December to the end of a long journey of struggle began , on closer inspection, the early summer of this year. Since ie, Tremonti announced that it has reached in nine and a half minutes on the budget document the agreement in the Council of Ministers, while his colleague Brunetta began the crusade against the "lazy". A few months later, faced with delays on the negotiations for the renewal of the contract, the Minister for Innovation began to envision the division between unions "good" and "bad" until you got to the signing of a separate Protocol. A different location, but unlike in the results, it happened in the commercial sector, where Filcams-CGIL refused to affix his signature on a contract that results in heavy setbacks on working conditions, while the last split is these days and the reform of the university. In this case, the CISL withdrew on the eve of the strike's accession to the fight, confirming an overall strategy of rapprochement and worrying (yes, political) between Berlusconi and the world sindacale.A little worth, therefore, attempts to contradicted by Bonanni and Angeletti about the alleged dinner with Prime Minister (and without the CGIL). The reality is there for everyone and everyone is called to assume its responsibilities. We Italian Communists, who have shared the strong arguments of those who promoted the struggle in recent months, we will support the general strike and we will be at the side of workers, to defend the rights and dignity violated.