Sunday, October 31, 2010

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For those who listen (015)

Philippe de Vitry
(October 31, 1291 - June 9, 1361)

Composer, music theorist and poet French.
He was the theoretician of the Ars nova as well as an innovative and influential composer.

He was born in Paris and news about the early years of his life are missing. Since his name is often preceded by the call of Magister , is thought to have studied University of Paris. Later he was at the courts of Charles IV , Philippe VI and Jean II as Secretary of the king. Following the good offices to put in place an alliance with the Bourbons , obtained by the Kings in the territories of other benefits Clermont, Beauvais , and Paris. For some years he was also at the court papal of Avignon in the service of Pope Clement VI . On top of that was also diplomat and soldier . In 1351 he became bishop of Meaux, east of Paris. Attending the most important religious circles, political and artistic, he came into contact with more great period which Petrarca and the famous mathematician, philosopher and music theorist Nicole Oresme . After a life full of honors and merits, de Vitry died in Paris at the age of 70 years.
Vitry is famous in the history of music for writing the 'Ars Nova 1320, a treatise on music will give the name to an entire musical era, the fact of ' Ars nova . While his authority and the importance of his treatise has recently been questioned, many of his works have survived him and demonstrate the innovation he brings in notation , particularly mensural and rhythm, of which he was credited for more than a century. Such innovations as exemplified in the motet Roman de Fauvel , were very important and made possible the complex compositions that were written over the next hundred years. In every way the modern system of notation and rhythms derived ARSIA Nova.
Vitry is believed to have written chansons and motets but only a few motets were received today. He is widely considered the greatest musician of that period and also the high Petrarch wrote an enthusiastic tribute to him: ".. he is the greatest philosopher of the time." (from Wikipedia)


Saturday, October 30, 2010

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For those smiles (001)

Have you ever played with or direct a music stand that?

Vide De Tetas Grandes

For those who read (161 )

Open my brother

I knocked on your door I knocked at your heart to

have a bed for the fire
why reject them?
Open my brother! Why

wonder if they are African American

if they are in Europe?
Open my brother! Why ask

How long my nose my mouth
How long thick
what color my skin
that name have my gods?
Open my brother!

I'm not black I'm not I'm not yellow, red

I'm not white are nothing more than a man.
Open my brother!
Open up the door let me in your heart

because I am a man
man of all time
man all the heavens
man that looks like you!

René Philombe

Thursday, October 28, 2010

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Let's face it. Making fun of action movies is not easy.
Incredible though it may seem, are rare examples of films up to expectations.
will blame the movie industry? Maybe.
fact is that making films that should have been the only "way to do" seems more difficult than it appears. One
on all Alien Vs Predator. It 's all there. What else you need to know?
Fill the screen of so many aliens that are chasing for a couple of hours!
no coincidence that the best scene was in the flashback.
I had it. You did. You won!
But no.
was great hope for The Expendables, promptly thrown in the toilet.
Rodriguez Stallone succeeds where he failed. He had all those
Sacred Monsters to be bandied about in the trailer, but had some great actors.
The cast certainly does not have anything to envy anyone, I think a De Niro or a Steven Seagal just to name a few.
And what of the "usual suspects" by fans of Rodriguez?
're all here!
Machete is an honest film, keeps all the promises he does. Stylistically
Rodriguez does not upset for innovation, but perhaps someone he felt the need?
You really get the impression that the director thinks having fun with the whole cast. And there is fun with them.
storyline simple and clean. Join Now coattaggine and blood. Chingon
Add in the soundtrack, of which Rodriguez is the founder and guitarist. And
jeux son fait.
It 's a mistake? Sure.
worth it? ABSOLUTELY!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

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notice to students of the Conservatory of Alessandria

Prof. Berrini is away from the Conservatory on the following days:
TUESDAY November 23, 2010
THURSDAY December 16, 2010
TUESDAY December 21, 2010
TUESDAY January 11, 2011

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Basketball Camps Kansas

For those who listen (014)

But what can be "modern" music "old"?

Listen to his original interpretation of Monteverdi ... e. .. Enjoy!

Response Card Wording Wedding Dietary

For those who read (160)

Man of my time

're still one of the stone and the sling
man of my time. Were in the cockpit, with wings
malignant, the meridians of death,
- I saw you - in the chariot of fire, the gallows,
the wheels of torture. I have seen: it was you, with your exact science
without love, without Christ. You have killed again,
as always, as your fathers killed, as
killed the animals that we saw for the first time.
And this blood smells like
the day when his brother told the other brother:
- Let's go to the camps - that echo and cold, tenacious,
has come down to you, within your day. Forget
, or children, the clouds of blood
ascents of the world, forget your fathers:
their graves lie in ashes, blacks
birds, wind, cover their heart.

Salvatore Quasimodo

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Feminism Brazilian Wax


Just today I had promised myself to post anything.
I thought I would start by explaining why the name of the blog.
Then I changed my mind: I wanted to write about things that I like.
But NO!
World Today I will tell you a bit of a 'particular.
A world where the good guys and bad guys do not have easy life does not hide in the shadows, but rather travel to your favorite places and damage to the mad joy.
Moreover, a reality where things are getting worse.
where hospitals do not possess even the most basic tools to protect your health, and those poor bastards who work there must arrabattarsi as they can.
you say: "It 'Gotham City!"
Now, what happened?
Last night I went to a club with a friend to drink something.
Just before drinking a toast, and finally enjoy the sparkling beverage, an individual approached me and, for no reason, I blew the glass by hand.
In no time at all, I caught a piece of cardboard in the face, and lost his glasses. Great
my surprise!
... cut!
After the scuffle, I found myself with a hole on the left hand (as per report) .
A pool of blood and tendons exposed, I was not even the Terminator. (and you could swear that even the bone)
I went to the hospital where, after a short waiting (an hour and a half, but I swear that is little) have been repaired.
It took a bit to close because there were, in order:

-hydrogen peroxide;
-sterile forceps, needle and thread-
-local anesthetic;

In fact, come to think, I would first write EVERYTHING! (DICK)
From there straight to the police where I discovered that they could not hold the guy because I had not done "pretty bad".
I explain that "THE LEGISLATURE" (imagine a mythical creature and eternal, or at the gun Dredd) , set the minimum to give a prognosis of 20 days, while I have only 8 (acc! Manco half) .
I try to "bend" the law saying that a millimeter down and I lost the use of a pair of fingers (and which by the way is not the complete recovery) failing. So
(example) if I had a broken arm with a prognosis of thirty days, "THE LEGISLATURE" would agree to stop.
As if that was not enough I discovered that my complaint will not lead in any case the guy in front of Justice, but only to a justice of the peace that will give him the maximum penalty some work as a pseudo-social.
And so they brought me back home ...

Now, I did not want poison with this story (Giuro!), and I skipped all the most sad, cruel, foolish and tragic case, but I think it is important groped to understand the world around us.
But I have good news you know? Open your mind and look with honest eyes.
In this whole affair is just a "cannot" and a host of good ready to help me, ok i "cannot" are two if you count "THE LEGISLATURE.
There is first of all my friend, it will seem obvious, but this is it!
Then there is the owner of the local hospital staff and police, who tried to help me just when I needed it most and against all odds that this world has saved face.
And I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone once again.


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notice to students of the Conservatory of Alessandria

Conservatory "A. Vivaldi - Alexandria
Academic Year 2010 - 2011

Please note that attendance on the
is compulsory for all students
as specified by management.
Any referrals frequency must be requested directly to ' teacher and approved by the Director. Lessons will be held in the days and times listed below during which students are invited to the teacher. It is not superfluous to remind all students that accumulate 15 unexcused absences classes of related subjects, as in the core subjects, results in automatic expulsion from the Institute.

Prof. Marco Berrini

Start time
II / III / IV corso
II / III / IV corso
Only new members
Chamber Choir

Start time
II / III / IV corso
Only new members

Monday, October 18, 2010

Where Is Tonsilitis From

notice to students of the Conservatory of Alessandria

I inform you that the next lesson of the month of October will be held the following days:

Tuesday, October 19
13:00 to 14:00
"Song book" (open to all)

14:00 to 15:30
Old and new members

15:30 to 5:00 p.m.
Old and new members

17:00 to 19:00
Chamber Choir

Monday, October 25
13:00 to 14:00
"Song book" (open to all)
¡date changed!
14:00 to 15:30
Old and new members

3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Old and new members

17.00- 19:00
Chamber Choir


resumes at the Conservatorio Vivaldi celebrations
for 150 Years
the founding of the first music school in Alexandria

second cycle of concerts
October 22 to November 26
Pittaluga Auditorium, Parma via a

Free Entry

With ' performance of the Chamber Choir of the Conservatory of Alessandria

FRIDAY' Oct. 22 at 21

at the Auditorium "Pittaluga" Conservatory "A. Vivaldi" of Alessandria

begins the second and concluding round of events dedicated to the celebrations
for one hundred and fifty years after the founding of the first music school in Alexandria.

FRIDAY 'October 22, at 21
Chamber Choir of Conservatory

Music by Bonnet, Beltrami, Dupre, Alain, Quaranta, Basevi

Albert Sun - body
Marco Berrini - Director

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Victoria Beckhaminwhite Blouse

For those who listen (013)

Saturday, October 16, 2010

How Far Can Airsoft Guns Shoot

For those who listen (012)

Friday, October 15, 2010

How To Build A Tripod

For those who listen (011)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Cheap Household Cpu Thermal

For those who listen (010)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Does Johnson's Bedtime Soap Really Work?

Day: one

Here we are.
Finally I decided to take the plunge me too.
I thought about it too. And I'm done with that certainly did not give it importance.
I mean ... it's just a blog.
know at first I wondered, but what's the point? I do not need advertising to make me or give me visibility or what you like. And my affairs are always used to tell to friends and so on, and even better live.
Then I started the Paturnie that maybe I did not read anyone.
And then I asked myself, why do it? ... Curiosity, I think.
After many of my friends have one, and this is already enough.
Can I share this with their "experience".

But then I said this whole story is not important, and that if I did that mean that you can do.
I was curious to see how it's done a blog on the other side.
So that's it.

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For those who listen (009)

A. Corelli, Sonata VII in D for violin and bc
(I mov. Preludio Vivace)