TITO THE CLUB! (With video)
Here we come to one of k + beautiful evenings we have done in the company of Tito!
Remember qlc posts ago where he spoke of giving alcoholic evenings of our buddy? Well that
evening we were put into his head to make a video where raccantavano his heroic deeds.
The video is in the mold of the program "the club", but what makes it even ke + ke interesting is while we were shooting Titian is back from the disco drinks claiming to have swallowed 14 of which 4 are invisible, and 3 blue angels (nn I would be wrong).
So we thought well of him to believe the video ke x ke we were doing was teasing another friend of ours and of course wanted to participate had to give visa ke show off his great acting skills!
Before I let you see just add a few things.
If you think the video is too loaded to make a comment and so + divides it into parts (though in my opinion loses anke parekkio dividends), then the portion of the audio tiziano was a little late, I tried to fix it to the best of my ability ... let me know if there is polite!
Finally I would like to thank all those who participated in the video:
cameramen: Andrea (my brother) aka D4nte
ATTORE1: Peter
ATTORE2: I alias nail (yes I autoringrazio!)
NARRATOR: Lollo alias Swan
ps: sorry x besetting the pitiful condition! but it was night and sleep is bad xD skerzi
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