How did we get here?
's all true, or am I just dreaming?
A bad nightmare from which I can not wake up?
admit I laughed a lot when I saw this:
For me it was simply the final masterpiece in gaming history.
But I am afraid the real ones are not as idealistic characters in the game. They do not follow a school of thought more or less philosophical.
But I wonder one thing: who's to blame?
If it is true, how true it is, we want the best heads of state, we want a better life, a policy that is transparent and do his damn job, why not?!
Why not shape the world in our image and likeness?
I think it's possible. You can build.
But we must make an effort, small.
It is not the usual "chase, stop and so on," because I believe that it will not solve anything.
We need to unite and build it.
no coincidence Gaber said "Freedom is participation."
I know you have so many problems already. But hope that one day someone will come to resolve problems for you is simply unreal.
The truth is that if we are being so badly, the blame lies with us all.
A little 'one, which does not seem to matter much.
We should not vote to remove the other one does not do anything.
We need to unite and create what is not there.
Something new, a new reality.
Let them also to their children's games in the control room.
When we shall be changed, they no longer exist.
Until this change will work, do not we get rid of ever.
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